Our team

Lifetime care
Our clinical, administrative and allied health team are here to help. Your health is our passion.
Clinical team:
Dr. Emmanuel Awogun MBBS, AMC, FRACGP
Dr. Motunrayo Adebayo MBBS, FRACGP, FACRRM
Ms. Waida Waida Nurse Practitioner
Mrs. Kasi Keeffe Practice Nurse & Credentialed Diabetes Educator
Practice Manager:
Mrs. Dani Galus CPMAAPM, BEd.
Administrative Staff:
Lorraine, Heidi, Oshadhi & Sapana
Allied Health on site:
Annie Derkacs Podiatrist | Call 08 9279 1805 to Book Now
Aya Wikotu Remedial Massage Therapist | Call 08 9279 1805
or go Online to Book Now: https://pirkabodyandsoulremedialmassage.as.me
Asra Walford Counsellor, MC, ACA-L2 | Call 08 9279 1805 to Book Now
More info at: https://www.psychologytoday.com/au/counselling/asra-walford/1277879
Pathology available on site Monday to Friday 8am - 12pm.